The Arena program on RTE radio is running a series of pieces as a kind of “Creative Writing Class” and each month the public is invited to submit short fiction on a particular theme. I submitted a piece for the February program but heard nothing back so assumed I was out of the race. I was somewhat surprised when I went to listen to the program to find I was one of two stories read out by Dave Lordan. Even better some of the descriptions: “an absolutely brilliant piece of writing, it’s one of the best pieces I’ve got in. When I read it first I liked it, when I read it a second time I loved it, it really blew everybody away who read it including the actors.” “This story illustrates the reason we have fiction.” Very happy indeed. The program is online here
My story starts about 10:23 into the excerpt.
Other good news, though perhaps a little pale in the light of the above, I have a fifth story, “IED” shortlisted by Writers Forum magazine, plus I got an Honourable Mention in the “String-of-10” flash fiction competition on